Thread: (Mod) Proyect-Z FPS Zombie MMO
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Old 04-24-2010, 01:15 PM   #10
Beta Tester
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Version 1.1 is out.


- Now the shop NPCs and Monk can not die.

- Fixed death loop.

- Fixed "Failed to login to place weapons"

- Fixed spawns under the church where many players come at a time.

- Now can not be registered bodies, watch shops, or trades with other players from exaggerated distances.

- The probability of success of the antidote is no longer dependent on the level of constitution.
now depends on the time remaining until you become a zombie. If you've recently infected possibly the antidote will work.

- The church is a safe zone: infected players may not enter, and inside the church does not allow the use of weapons.

- When a player looks for a PK, he will see his name in red. Normal players will have the name in green.

- Enabled new option in Monk in order to hunt down PKs easily with its consequent reward.

- Fixed error when closing a store and just close the inventory.

- Fixed position of spawn back from the city.

- Implemented anti-stuck system. If you are stuck wait until the countdown ends.

- Fixed error that occurred when a trade, one of the two players cancel trade while the other had the contextual menu open.

- Fixed several errors in the maps Iglesia, Afueras y Cercanias.

- When you spawn, for 5 seconds you will be immortal and will have no collision during that time.
So to avoid spawn killers and lock problems when spawned several players at once.
[[ ff_hotfudge - bhop_theonlyone ]]
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