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Old 09-09-2010, 01:13 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Bridget
Oh, look, the overwhelming majority of the people think the Engineer is underpowered? That must mean something. It might be some sort of indication. Maybe we should fix the Engineer instead of wasting our resources on adding implementations to classes that arguably have no problems or balance issues?
Actually this is an interesting example. While I've known a couple players who have personally quit FF over this issue, according to squeek this has NOT been in consensus among the vocal players of FF. This is where common sense comes into play. As a longtime AvD player it is BLINDINGLY obvious to me that weakening the sg substantially will dick over defense and screw up gameplay balance unless there's a MAJOR buff added to D somewhere else. And even then, why devastate class balance so heavily unless it's for a great reason? Faster caps in CTF?

I was honestly surprised that so many people didn't see what a huge impact the nerfed sg was having, or how it was allowed in the first place. Now maybe this isn't a problem for other gameplay modes, but to neglect AvD so heavily (the sole reason I played TFC/FF) like this calls into question the judgment of the devs making the decisions. Yes, there has not been a consensus, but there are also people who only play scout on and have never played TFC crying out about the engineer. I honestly don't care about whether the devs listen to the community or not if they make good decisions, but they really haven't here. If the devs honestly don't have a clue how to act in these situations where there isn't a consensus, but TFC had a CLEAR foundation as to which way to go, the obvious path is to stick with TFC roots until a better solution can be found. I'd wager the majority of FF players enjoyed TFC, so you're at least less likely to go WRONG there.
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