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Old 10-12-2010, 02:18 AM   #7
Join Date: Nov 2009
Gametype: Capture the Flag
Posts Rated Helpful 1 Times
Personally I do not mind strong language as long as it's all in good fun, in company where it is expected and humored.

A gaming server can be such a place, but I would suggest it be behind a password. A public server, by definition, is open to the public, and as a large proportion of video gamers are (increasingly very) young people, I think it's reasonable to try and maintain a 'clean' level of discourse: i.e., no excessive foul language, racism, or personal abuse.

I'm sure the kids don't really mind (many female players will,) but there parents definitely will, and the prospective community will be that much smaller if they over hear too much nigger/faggot coming in over voice chat.

Again it's completely at the server operator's discretion - and if his goal is a big-boys-only sausage fest, that's fine - but I think it's worth suggesting keeping it under control, in the interest of maximizing the number of people to play with.
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