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Old 11-03-2010, 11:31 PM   #7
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You missed my point. Imagine someone comes up to you and says "Hey, let's play some basketball. Which would you rather do? We play for two hours and whoever has the most baskets after the time is up wins or we play now and whoever reaches twenty baskets wins." You will probably pick the latter variation because it isn't two hours long. This would make it absolutely exhausting and boring after awhile. The twenty baskets is a quick challenge. It would probably get your adrenaline going. It would be fun to play. The good thing about the latter is that if at any point you become bored, you can actually "win" by making the twenty baskets, ending the challenge in your favor.

Now imagine the former. You both give up thirty minutes in due to exhaustion and/or boredom. You might decide then and there to call it quits and give the win to the other person, but in Fortress Forever, you can't really do that. You play the game vigorously for ten minutes, then you either leave (which makes the victory that comes around in ten more minutes pointless for the winners because the losers were not there to observe it, even though you don't get rewarded anything but a scoreboard) or the other person leaves, making your victory pointless without them there to observe it.

The problem could be solved if the time limit were cut. Maybe the time limit could go down to ten minutes. However, this is still pretty boring. I think most people would enjoy a capture limit. First team to x captures wins. This creates a more exciting 'struggle to win' than having to outlast your opponent. Why so? Again, because you can encourage the win on. If you want to win, you step up your play, and you get those caps in. What the hell can you do with an outlast-the-enemy scenario? Stare at the time-limit and hope it magically hits 0 so you win? You have no choice but to continuously grind throughout the entire ten minutes trying to stay above your opponent. Shit's not fun. Grinding should only be for close matches at the last few minutes, not constitute the entire match.

Also, let's imagine one team absolutely destroys the other. Five minutes in, the score is 50 captures to 1. Assuming the team with 50 captures keeps going, the team with the 1 capture will never be able to catch up, which means there's fifteen minutes remaining in which the "shut out team" will become bored, exhausted, and resort to death-match out of defeat. Now let's imagine the game automatically was won at 20 captures. This wouldn't happen. The match would be over by now, and the point where boredom and exhaustion sets in would have never even been reached.

Hell, this happened in pickups. My team would get absolutely smacked, so we would just dick around for the remainder of the match. Or, of course, vice versa. We would be so far ahead of the enemy team that we would just joke around and try to melee them or something.
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