Thread: 2.42 Teaser
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Old 06-09-2011, 04:27 PM   #85
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Originally Posted by chilledsanity View Post
Well I'm skeptical that the slowing field will make much of a difference the way it's implemented. It seems like it should either last longer, slow down more, or else not have a primer. Otherwise it seems pretty sloppy to use effectively. Say you're in a flag room and see a scout fly in. He could conceivably be in and out before it goes off, and even if you do completely nail him, it doesn't slow him down THAT much. Judging from the video, it slows him down literally about 1 second, especially since he maintains his inertia. In theory, the slowing field seems like the obvious counter to the jump pad, what's the problem with making it last a similar duration as that?

The overpressure on the other hand sounds badass, this could really turn hwguy into a better defender.
Before you even try to discuss the slowfield in full, and before any theorys, play the HW in 2.42, then come back.
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