Thread: Audio timers
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Old 02-08-2013, 10:15 AM   #14
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cant really figure which conc is more accurate, but thats not the confusion or even important anyway. ppl who are used to ff timing are comfortable with ff timings, and ppl who are used to tfc are comfortable with it. it doesnt really matter which timing is the "true" one

i have tried to play ff again after a while, and timings are quite different; which made alotof confusion for me. and since we cannot make changes with tfc(or can we?), maybe we can adopt ff's timings to tfc, so that ppl who play both games dont get fucked up while switching games. would that fuck every ff players game up? (i hope not)

or maybe we can create a custom nade priming sound where it gives you exact tfc timings instead of changing the whole thing for sake of ff-only players, is that possible? and that can be downloaded as an alternate to default ones..

btw ive been talking only about the audio timers, since i dont think anyone uses visual ones while there are a lot going on in screen :P
(im sure visual timers are useful for new players)

Last edited by raum; 02-08-2013 at 10:21 AM.
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