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Old 06-01-2013, 12:16 PM   #48
Boss 4 all da rite reasons
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Join Date: Sep 2007
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Posts Rated Helpful 6 Times
Chef the bottom line:

You acting that "certain way" that just makes people dislike playing with you.

So lets define "certain way".

1) You make nearly every pickup difficult.

Example : We are in the picking process and I ask everyone to go spectate, low and behold chef has to act like he doesn't see my typing to him asking him to spectate. So we sit here and wait for him to be done before we can continue. You have done this numerous times.

2) Just your general attittude dude. Seriously I can 100% garuntee if you changed your aliase and chaNGED your attitude no one would complain about you.

3) IRC Demeanor, there is not a day that goes by with out you saying something negative or personally attacking someone followed by a LoLOlOLOLOLOLoOlLOL, then you wonder why you cause people to respond with negativity as well. You bring the worst out of me (IE me making fun of your gf dumping you, and you crying to me about how depressed you were)

Honestly I could keep going if I wanted to, but the general idea with you is that you can NEVER ever just make pickups run smooth. It is always something with you.

Your biggest problem is that you constantly bring up the past and talk about what everyone has done to you. Woe is me cuz I am the little abused puppy.

Instead, what you should do is just forget about what happen in the past. For once just try and go out of your way to show everyone you can act normal enough for pickups to go smooth. Let bygones be bygones bro. It is going to take some time for people to change their feelings for you so like I said, you need to extensively go out of your way to show that you just want to be here.

One reason you got banned for a year last time is because when you would play defense you would go blue to stop the O from capping a last second cap. and then would LoLoLoL in the admins face. And truthfully it seemed like you would do it at the wrong time. (Very close pickup that would be decided by a last second cap, in which everyone was playing competitively)

I remember after you were banned for a year, you were begging to come back and said how you were a changed man, turned a new leaf etc etc. Made a forum post how you should be unbanned but then took you literally less then a few months to just start acting the very same way that got you banned. Maybe you stopped doing the whole going blue to stop the cap routine, but your general attitude is just horrendous dude. The worst part on top of your terrible attitude is that you act like you could careless if you are banned because you repeatedly say things like "I dont give a fuck ban me, LoLoOLOLoLOLOlOL". When people say things like that on top of the general fuck tard attitude, the admins and community as a whole get fed up with you.


1) Change your attitude completely. Total transformation. Completely go out of your way to change the way you treat people for all the times you have caused grief.

2) Alias as a new person and see #1

Either way it comes down to #1

Until then expect to not play in any pickup that ends with Admin: Vinnytheboss
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