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Old 09-18-2015, 03:48 PM   #3
El Hombre sin nombre
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Originally Posted by Innoc View Post
Was the unsolicited move of bringing this creation to school a bright move? Probably not. The kid is 14 and having demonstrated ability in the engineering space doesn't mean that his judgment is any different from his peers. Likewise, we see example after example of teachers and police showing poor decision making skills. If we see, in the coming days, more stories like this...or a bomb that ends up being transported in a case like changes how we view this story.
While some circuits in a case would start some suspision, according to those related the school staff and the police did not act as if it was a real bomb. They confiscated it from him and patientilly waiting for the police, while everyone was merely keeping courses. AFAIK in case of bomb suspicions, you evacuate the building as soon as possible and call the pyrotechnists. (Also I think the police should have smart enough electricians to tell what kind of device was built)

Whenether the kid's choice to bring the clock to school was bright or not, the 'authorities' handled it extremly poor. OK, in a country that experienced 9/11, Boston Marathon bombing and possibly others I'm not aware of being a muslim and bringing such a suspicious looking device might not be the best idea, but it still shows the paranoia in people, the islamophobia, stereotypes and generalisation. "Doesn't mean that his judgment is any different from his peers". If by peers, you mean fellow muslims or immigrants then that is indeed getting it generalised. Does it mean he will end up in the world of terrorism? Probable. Improbable. We can't simply make assumptions based on race, religion and ethny.

Originally Posted by Innoc View Post
If we see, in the coming days, more stories like this...or a bomb that ends up being transported in a case like changes how we view this story.
Probably more stories like this exist, except they do not get to be hot-topics or mediatised so heavily like this one was, which is kind of pity, this kid's arse was pretty much covered by Obama and other celebrities, if he didn't get their support (which in my opinion mattered) he may still be charged or be in a legal battle.
About a bomb getting transported in a similar case. Well it can be anything, in any case/backpack/etc carried by anybody. It's always good to keep your guard up and prevent unnecesary danger, but considering how the staff handled it, either it was too paranoic to simply pick on the kid or extremly superficial given the fact that they patiently waited for the police to pick up the kid, not worrying about the possible bomb going off.
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