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Old 04-26-2006, 07:21 AM   #1
o_nezumi's Avatar
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ff_4tron: Lots 'o screens and a DL

So I made a new map. I kinda sorta finished it sometime last winter but never got around to putting the last little touches on it untill just recently.

It's called ff_4tron, and it's a 4-way CTF map. You can steal an enemy flag and bring it back to your base for 10 points, or steal an enemy flag and bring it to the base of a different enemy for 20 points (the 20 is up for tweaking, obviously. It may wind up being more or less in the end).

In addition, each base has a keycard. The keycard can be used to open the sniper deck windows wide enough to allow a person in or out, and be used to retract the bridge in front of each base. A keycard cannot be used in the base it was picked up in, and respawns immediately when used or when it's carrier dies.

You can DL Here: <-- For HL2M

Screenshots as follows. Mostly linked so peeps don't have to wait 15 minutes to view this thread.

Red's spawn room:

The main room of red base. This screenshot is a little old. In the final version there's an extra light under the platform sticking out, and the lights are brighter in general.

Up the ramps towards Red's flag and their sniper deck:

Red's cap point, which overlooks the midmap:

Red's sniper deck (there are two in each base):

Red's flag. The window also overlooks the midmap:

One of two main entrance halls to Red's base. Don't worry, there's clip brushes on the walls so you don't get stuck on the detail. Also, you'll notice the lighting doesn't quite line up in certain spots because the curves are displacements:

The midmap:

Also the midmap:

Closeup of Red's base, the flag appears just behind that window at the top there above the cap point. The main entrance is peeking out there below the sniper window:

The exit from the water tunel in Green's base, on the right, and the elevator up to the main room on the left:

An overview:

Green's spawn room:

Now, it seems like the flag is a little easy to get to, but this is offset by the facts that A, there will be people fighing eachother to get to your flag and B, if someone does make it out with your flag there will be people trying to kill them and take it for their team.

Extra Special Double Mega Thanks go out to Fisheye for helping me with getting the combine_shield props (The shield emitters in the respawn) to work with team-colored skins.

P.S. Circ: You can list this as 98.5% for now.
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