From Fortress Forever Wiki
Revision as of 12:19, 13 December 2007 by Mirvinmonkey-3 (talk | contribs)
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A list of things that need doing

  • map pages need filling in (images, explanation of goals: think of an expanded version of the map loading screens). maps don't necessarily have to have a page each, we could group them by game type and link to anchors on the page. pages might get a bit big though, especially if we have lots of helpful images
  • all the non existant pages pointed to by the front page need creating (e.g. system requirements, etc)
  • remove the "changes from tfc" from the class information page, or at least put it as a footnote thing
  • expand and finish the class information page. move the weapon information from their own pages onto the class pages along with class specific skills explanations, etc
  • simplify the tables on the class information pages. comprehensive tables with every last figure can be grouped together on separate pages. the scout class page is a good indicator of how i think the class pages should look (although the strategies+tips bit needs tidying up)
  • existing pages need to be grouped or separated as required so that they are inline with the basic structure described by the front page
  • create some fact-sheet pages (one for classes, weapons, etc). all the numbers and details that were initially on the class/weapon/etc pages should be in nice tables on here