Category talk:Ammo Types

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Anybody have any complaints if we remove the individual ammo pages and just use one page for all of them? There's not a huge amount more information we can put on them. Mirvinmonkey-3 16:10, 30 December 2007 (CST)

Hmm. the HUD icon and image for each, a brief description? Hmm. A list of weapons that each ammo is used in... Still not much. Seems perfectly reasonable to me. --Phisionary 16:21, 30 December 2007 (CST)

Also, is "gren1" and "gren2" really needed as an "ammo"? They don't really have any of their own properties separate from the grenades themselves. Mirvinmonkey-3

I have a feeling that this is dev leftovers, since grenade types are tied to class and not what you pick up. Seems fairly useless to me. --Phisionary 16:21, 30 December 2007 (CST)

Alright cool, I'll delete the grenades and redirect the others. Sniper tag ammo can go since I don't think that exists any more, and we can keep detpack if anybody can think of something to write about it that isn't "Is used by the detpack" :) Mirvinmonkey-3

Note for future: at some point should probably make this a normal page instead of a category. Mirvinmonkey-3

Great job on the changes. --Hirohito 16:52, 30 December 2007 (CST)