Category talk:Lua

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Remember: Lua is not an acronym!!!!!

Dump: Crazycarl 01:06, 16 February 2010 (MST)

Base_ad now works for all 4 teams instead of just red/blue
Added grenade prime lua callbacks (player_onprimegren1 and player_onprimegren2)
Added DisplayMessage(player, string) lua function (sends the message as a hint)
Exposed player's MaxSpeed() function to lua
Added SetVelocity lua function
Exposed GetLocation and GetLocationTeam to lua
Added alignment and ToTeam variations for AddHud functions
Added RemoveHudItemFromTeam lua function

Added set_cvar( cvarname, value ) function that only calls SetConvar if the cvar isn't already set to value
Added lowercase c "Broadcast" functions, because uppercase C "BroadCast" functions are lame
base_teamplay: Made resupply bags float by default