Map Helper:Location

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The location aid is implemented in each map, and provides the coders with information pertaining to the player's location. This is useful for stats stuff, as well as for letting each player know their location and intuitively learn the names of each common area. The location is displayed on the HUD.

Each location has:

  • A colour (Team colour) that can be one of the following: Neutral, Blue, Red, Yellow or Green. (this could just be an int, limited as 0-4; 0 = neutral, 1 = blue etc.)
  • A compact description string. By compact, I mean we can't have huge locational stuff going on, as the HUD must be compact. Examples of a string: "Ramp Room", "Flag Room", "Air Chute", "Yard", "Ramp" etc.

So, the player knows where he is at all times. The names used in the string should be both consistent from map to map (where possible), and also match the names given in the Tour. It's always helpful when players can learn map names quickly, as it means everyone is on the same page. If someone says "need help in the RR", then people will know where to go.


Unfortunately I (Def) have no idea how the CS:S dudes implemented their location stuff. I decompiled a CS:S map to see if I could find any entities pertaining to the locational content, and couldn't find any brush or point entities. This suggests to me that they implemented the location names using some kind of other technique, possibly .nav files? Shrug. Best to ask Dr Evil about that.

Valve started to implement locations in TFC but never quite got finished with it. If you decompile 2fort you will see brush-based entities with location names. Just a thought.