Added hud_takesshots cvar (takes a screenshot at end-of-round if enabled) and added it to the Fortress Options menu (disabled by default)
Generic / Misc Stuff
Various network optimizations
Any class can see enemy health on crosshairinfo now (previously only medics could)
Grenade throwspeed changed to 660 down from 700 (2.3 value was 630)
Sharking friction lowered to 1 (down from 4)
Client jump sound volume decreased by half and given its own soundscript definition
Increased flag bounding box slightly (from basic box +8 to basic box +12; 2.3 value was +24)
New, less obscuring conc explosion effect
Added cvar to switch back to the old effect (cl_conc_refract) and put it in Fortress Options
Tweaked chat colors for a bit better visibility.
More difference in grenade timer alpha when you throw the grenade, compared to still having it primed
Bug Fixes
ShowMenu now works properly
Fixed security messages, sounds and icons on base_shutdown maps
Fixed escape door messages, sounds and icons on base_hunted maps
Fixed being able to use the security button while dead on base_shutdown maps
Spy/engi menu click underwater fixed
Fixed single shotgun reload sound (thanks gibz)
Fixed CurrentClass material proxy (used to be incorrectly named CurrentTeam)
Fixed chat spamming using #ff_<msg>
Chat now displays properly in clients console. Instead of showing as #ff_<msg> it will show the actual sentence. Color codes no longer display either for easy readability
Fixed losing control of player when jumping in water
Fixed HUD items getting stuck on screen after spawning
Fixed sentries locking on to ghost (unbuilt) buildables
Fixed server crash in SG code
Class-specific Changes
Engineer starts with 1 EMP (down from 2), and has a max of 2 (down from 4)
Reduced the size of the explosion from bags when hit by EMPs (to compensate for increased ammo count in the normalized death bags)
All Classes
All classes drop the same amount of ammo when they die (30 cells, 100 shells, 100 nails, 20 rockets)
Map changes
New CTF map
New teleporter model in spawns.
Lift changed to a real lift instead of a pusher.
Mid-ramp area near flagroom opened up into courtyard.
Concing access into balcony made more forgiving.
Base entrance opened up slightly to reduce spamability.
Removed clip brushes at the battlements for sniper access.
Added alcove and lowered lighting at the ladder to battlements.
Added clip brushes either side of bridge to stop it messing up bunny hop or unintentionally double jumping.
Added clip brushes on bottom of flagroom ramp so that people can wall strafe again.
Texturing and lighting improvements.
New teleporter model in spawns.
Scout, medic, spy and sniper always spawn balcony. Other classes always spawn flagroom.
Flagroom bag moved to bottom of steps to make it more obvious.
Flagroom bag timer reduced from 15s to 8s, and metal increased to 130.
Lift crushes people under it.
Few minor bugfixes.
Flagroom bag timer reduced from 10s to 8s.
Top ramp bag timer reduced from 20s to 15s.
Lua changes
Added SetGameDescription( name )
Changes what appears in the game column of the server browser (it is appended to "FF ")
Fixed a typo, SetFriction was actually using GetFriction
Added lua functions
player:GetAmmoInClip( weaponname )
player:SetAmmoInClip( num )
player:SetAmmoInClip( weaponname, num )
player:GetAmmoCount( ammotype )
HasGameStarted() (returns false if still in prematch)
Pipes now trigger :onexplode()
HudText can parse %command% strings to show the client's bound key for that command (example: %+attack% would translate to MOUSE1 for someone that has MOUSE1 bound as +attack)