Added number of tossable medpacks to the medic's HUD
Added server command ff_setprematch that takes a value in seconds and sets prematch so that the given number of seconds remain until it ends (even if not currently in prematch)
Added grenades to the right side ammo pickup list
Added a much better class selection screen
Added SG barrel spinning animations
Auto selecting a team now takes into account team scores as well as how full teams are
Gibs now take the blast direction into consideration
Added cake's class switch suggestion: "Switch from 1 class to another, no delay. Do a second class switch in under 5 seconds from the first, 5 second respawn delay." (Made the respawn delay based on the last class change time instead of always being 5 seconds; for example, if you change class, wait 2.5 seconds, and then change class again, your respawn will only be delayed for 2.5 seconds; if you change class twice instantly you'll get the full 5 seconds)
Added cvars: hud_grenadetimers (when set to 0, turns off visual grenade timers) and hud_buildtimers (when set to 0, turns off visual buildable timers)
Added MOTD window and updated teammenu
Added command "serverinfo" that brings up the MOTD window
Modified the team menu server info section to have a button to view the MOTD and show a customizable small little banner (gets the URL from host.txt; only URLs are allowed)
MOTD can be text, HTML, or a URL
Scrollbars on HTML elements are apparently not working, so they have been disabled
Added default motd and host URL if none are found
Added server convar sv_motd_enable that determines if the MOTD window is shown to clients when they connect
Ragdolls now keep flames
Made changing cl_interpolate require sv_cheats
Spectator HUD top black bar removed and replaced with the normal HUD (the black bar didn't show any different information and obscured Lua HUD elements)
Made the spectator team color a bit darker so that text is more visible against a teamcolored HUD element background)
Made EMP explosions no longer shorten the fuselength of detpacks to 5 seconds (it was implemented poorly, is totally hidden functionality, and isn't even a desirable feature)
Made pipe trails grellow rather than red
Added default_fov and viewmodel_fov sliders to the Graphics page of Fortress Options
Encrypted player and weapon scripts
Bug Fixes / Optimizations
Fixed a typo that made it look like it was looking for lua files in maps/maps instead of just maps/ when the lua was missing
Fixed having no grenade timer sound set on a fresh install (hooray for Dexter fixing this!)
Made cl_spawnweapon_ convars actually work (the cvars used to be server-side and the server's settings were the only things that mattered)
Fixed concussion stars or tranq zzZ getting shown when cloaked
Fixed scrollbars not working in the teammenu
Fixed crosshair not drawing while spectating someone in first person mode
Fixed SGs staying locked onto targets they can no longer shoot (through trigger_ff_clips, for example)
Made SG targeting more consistent in general (spam-locking should no longer happen)
Fixed (hopefully) maps with flythroughs overriding the SourceTV free-roam view (making it impossible to move and forcing you periodically to jump to the next overview target)
Fixed slowfield not facing you when watching a SourceTV demo in chase/firstperson view
Fixed a bug that forced your observer target to switch if your target got gibbed
Class-specific Changes
Lowered base burn damage from 15 to 13 and lowered burn level 2 multiplier from 2.5 to 2 (really from 4.5 to 4) [total damages for each burn level (old->new): lvl1 15->13; lvl2 75->52; lvl3 225->195]
Rocket radius lowered from 108 to 100
Rocket spawn position set in line with the player origin instead of 16 units forward
Laser grenade reworked
Added a 64 unit gap to the center of the laser grenade
Made the laser gren damage dealt time based instead of tick based
Hit delay is 0.25 seconds (the delay between ticks of damage)
Changed damage per hit to 45
Upped growtime from 0.7 to 1 second
Decreased duration from 10 to 7 seconds
Decreased rotation speed by a bit (120 to 100; 17% decrease)
Decreased laser beam radius by 1 unit (from 4 to 3)
Increased overpressure cooldown from 8 seconds to 16
Made overpressure netcode more consistent (it should make more sense when you get hit by it and when you hit people with it)
Added player_switchclass( player, oldclassid, newclassid ) Lua callback; if the function returns false, the class switch is disallowed)
Added lua functions:
GetPlayerBySteamID( steamid )
player:RemoveBuildables() // cancels any of the player's building or built buildables
player:RemoveProjectiles() // removes all of the player's projectiles
player:RemoveItems() // removes all of the player's projectiles and cancels all buildables
player:LockInPlace( bool lockState ) // either locks or unlocks a player in place depending on the parameter (sets velocity to zero and makes it so they can't move at all; no gravity, etc); does not affect anything except movement
Moved the flaginfo call in the spawn code so that it doesn't skip spectators (so joining a server and going spec doesn't mean you miss the Lua-based hud being drawn)
Made HudText and HudTimer elements allow negative x and y positioning values
Changed HudTimer to use float values for the starttime param instead of ints, so that named timers can be added to Huds without losing any precision
Big Lua HUD update:
Added size customization to HudText and HudTimers
Functions added:
AddHudText( player, identifier, text, x, y, xalign, yalign, fontsize)
AddHudTextToTeam( team, identifier, text, x, y, xalign, yalign, fontsize)
AddHudTextToAll( identifier, text, x, y, xalign, yalign, fontsize)
AddHudTimer( player, identifier, timerid, x, y, xalign, yalign, fontsize)
AddHudTimer( player, identifier, startvalue, speed, x, y, xalign, yalign, fontsize)
AddHudTimer( player, identifier, timerid, x, y, xalign, yalign, fontsize)
AddHudTimer( player, identifier, startvalue, speed, x, y, xalign, yalign, fontsize)
AddHudTimer( player, identifier, timerid, x, y, xalign, yalign, fontsize)
AddHudTimer( player, identifier, startvalue, speed, x, y, xalign, yalign, fontsize)
Added a new type of Lua hud element, HudBox, that draws a box with a background color and a customizable border
Objects added:
CustomColor(), CustomColor( r, g, b ), CustomColor( r, g, b, a )
CustomBorder(), CustomBorder( CustomColor color ), CustomBorder( CustomColor color, width )
Functions added:
AddHudBox( player, identifier, x, y, width, height, CustomColor bgcolor )