From the cvar description: "If > 0, only deals armor damage to teammates. The armor damage is multiplied by the value of the cvar (mp_armorstrip 0.5 means half damage). Requires mp_friendlyfire 1"
Disabling security now gives a player 50 fortress points and displays a HUD message to all
Fix CFFPlayer noisy BodyTarget while crouched (should make explosions while crouched behave better)
Fix explosions doing too much damage to crouched players in certain cases
Fix explosions going through brushes when directly underneath them
Fix HH nades not doing damage to nearby players while standing still
Fix laser grenade beams getting drawn through walls
Fix players on ladders counting as airshots
Fix spy disguise weapon for classes that got weapons removed in 2.5.0
Dispenser cells required to build displayed correctly; now reads 100 instead of 30
Fix various HUD timers getting added with time + 1
Add global callbacks intermission() and restartround()
intermission() is called when intermission starts
restartround() is called right before the round is restarted, to allow for Lua to persist data before the Lua environment is destroyed and re-created
Add get equivalents of exposed team set functions
Add global ServerCommand function (a map-agnostic alternative to the point_servercommand entity)
Add player:GetArmorAbsorption
Update func_button:ondamage lua callback to use parameters instead of global vars