Class Ability:Invisibility

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The spy's replacement for TFC's feigning is Invisibility (aka cloaking).

Invisible players drop a ragdoll as cloaking begins; this means enemies can potentially find cloaked spies. The ragdoll should not make much noise when hitting the floor.

A player cloaking

Conditions that must be met when attempting to cloak

  • Players must be stationary to initiate a silent cloaking process, but not if you choose to do a regular cloak. If a regular cloak is chosen, the ragdoll does make a loud.
  • Players must not be holding items that prevent cloaking (standard flags, goals etc). This should be LUA-controlled at the mapper's discretion. 99.9% of goals should prevent cloaking while the goal is in the spy's possession, but it should be left to the mapper for fun maps amongst other things.

Once cloaked, the following rules are in effect

Cloaked players may:

  • Throw grenades as normal.
  • Change disguise while invisible, but it takes 50% longer to complete the disguise change. This always affects the disguise timer regardless of whether the spy started the disguise change before cloaking (i.e. from the moment the cloak is triggered, the disguise timer is slowed down 50%)
  • Be damaged by weapons as usual.
  • Pick up items and receive ammunition.
  • Be moved by weapons or grenades, but they lose their cloak.

Additionally, cloaked players cannot:

  • Bunnyhop effectively, as when they jump their speed decreases.

Visual Effects

  • When the cloaking begins AND ends, there is a visual effect that lasts roughly a second or so (something like the T1000 changing states).
  • Cloaked players are partially visible to teammates (predator style shader effect), as well as having a team-colored icon above their head, but not to enemies.
  • If damaged, there is a visible shimmer / loss of stealth. Cloaked spies don't bleed, but their cover may be compromised.

Sentry Guns

  • Sentry guns will not track or fire at cloaked spies, whether they are disguised or not.
  • Sentries will make a pinging sound whenever a cloaked enemy spy is in range. The sound raises in frequency and pitch as the spy draws near.
  • Spies cannot sabotage sentries or dispensers while cloaked.