Game Type:Capture the Flag

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CTF is a very simple game type. Each of the potential four teams has a flag. An enemy player can take the flag and capture it in their own base's capture point to score an arbitrary number of points for their team and receive a personal bonus for the capture .

Pretty much everything is arbitrary in its value. Flag return time, whether the flag is returned on touch, whether the flag will return faster from certain areas, points awarded and so forth.

Plenty of Capture The Flag Variants exist. See the linked page for information.

Typical values

  • Flag returns after 60 seconds regardless of position
  • 10 team points per capture
  • 10 personal points per capture

Sudden Death Mode

When a flag is loose, the teams are tied and the map timelimit is reached, the game continues until the flag is either captured or returned. If the flag is still loose after x minutes (ff_suddendeath_timelimit?), then the map ends regardless of the flag being returned or captured and it is counted as a tie. A visible timelimit could tick down so both teams know how long they have to cap/hold on.