Client Command:saveme

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Revision as of 23:59, 2 July 2006 by Dospac (talk | contribs)
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The command "saveme" triggers a red cross symbol over the player who issues the command. Allied medics can see this symbol over other players who trigger the command.

Saveme also triggers a text message requesting health and/or armor based on the players current supply.

If a player needs health and armor:

"I need health and armor! %h - %a"

If a player only needs health:

"I need health! %h - %a"

If a player only needs armor:

"I need armor! %h - %a"

If a player is infected:

"I am infected and need a medic! %h - %a"

If a player has full health and armor, saveme should not trigger, instead returning a message to the player that they do not need help.

Also to note, there should be a separate wrench model to accompany the medic cross, which will display to allied engineers like the cross does to medics.

The saveme command also plays a wav or mp3 file for allies close by alerting them to the request.