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No Build Areas - "nobuild"

A "nobuild" area is defined as an area where a player is not allowed to build a dispenser or sentrygun - hence "nobuild". To create a "nobuild" area in your map all you need to do is create a brush, click "tie to entity", choose trigger_ff_script, and then name it "nobuild". Then, in your map's .LUA file be sure to include base_teamplay.lua as such:

-- Map's LUA file

-- Include nobuild functionality
IncludeScript( "base_teamplay" )

How It Works

The way a "nobuild" area works is that when the player tries to build the game checks to see just exactly what entities the player is touching. It then asks those entity if it the player can build. If any of the entities respond back with "false" then the player cannot build. The LUA function that answers the question if the player can build is "canbuild" (as seen in the example) so if you want to override default "canbuild" behavior then your custom "nobuild" lua object will need to have a "canbuild" function.


If you wanted red team to be able to build in an area but blue team not be allowed to do that then you can do that. There are really only two changes you would need to make. First, name your "nobuild" area (in hammer) to something else - like "blue_nobuild". Then, modify your map's lua file thusly:

-- Map's LUA file

-- Define "blue_nobuild"
blue_nobuild = trigger_ff_script({})

-- Let red team build but not blud team
-- here we define the "canbuild" function
function blue_nobuild:canbuild( ent_id ) 
     if IsPlayer( ent_id ) then
          -- Allow red team
          if ( GetPlayerTeam( ent_id ) == RED_TEAM ) then
               return true
          else -- Disallow every other team
               return false

     -- Return normally for anything else
     return true