Developer Journals

Developer Journal: trepid_jesse

Posted 1 decade ago Map Design
I remember Phish was talking to some bitches about the textures in FF, and uhh yeah, they're awesome.

I wanted to do this a long time ago, and now I'ma try it again. I don't know if this'll get approved, but maybe it will. I also figured I had to watermark the stuff since it isn't my work, so, maybe they don't want that stuff out there where it can just be stolen, but then again maybe my watermarks suck and won't stop anything.

These are all resized down from their 512x512 size, and you gotta remember basically all of these also have normal maps, and use an envmap.

So many awesome asshole FF resources.

And then you gotta realize there's also yellow/green versions of the textures, and then there's several variations of each type of wall. This was just me randomly selecting some, ok, raaaaaaaaaaaandom.

There's also a crapload of "trims" in FF. Trims are good to have around, and there's lots of them. Your mom's trim smells like a coffin, though.
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