Developer Journals

Developer Journal: Defrag

Posted 1 decade ago Lead Map Design
I've been a-workin' on various things. During the last half week, I've had to do a crappy cash-in-hand boring 10-hour-a-day-snore-fest job. However, the dude I was working with looked like Rik Mayall, so it was all good.

My main focus over the last couple of days was pushing on with.. push, which I have done. I'd say it's roughly ~50% done now (though it's always tough to say) with mostly just detailing left to complete now. I've also been touching up bases and tippin' on fo-fos with spirit, but not so much lately.

I completed the first of one of our top secret projects, and another one will be completed by a different person next month. Also, Jon fell down a waterfall that is 70 feet tall and dislocated his left shoulder (no joke!). Just another day in the life of a trepid. At least it won't interfere with his hammer hand.

It's been a good time lately with the coders doing more work, and we've recruited a couple of new modelers to boot. Fooley Cooley will be having my babies shortly if I have my wicked way.

In other news: I finally got my RAM returned & refunded after speaking to OCUK again. I'm going Athlon 64 very soon! Mapping will never be the same again ;o
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