Developer Journals

Developer Journal: Mulchman

Posted 1 decade ago Programmer

I've been playing with a couple of things. Firstly, L0ki and I have been trying to fix the grenade crashes and it's come down to a sprite error of some sort - it's really weird - but thankfully they're no longer crashing for ANYBODY (finally).

Secondly, I've messed with the sentrygun more. It's kind of at the point where I need our SG model working correctly to be able to continue to tweak it. I'm actually using VALVe's floor turret at the moment to mow down the bots*- it's quite fun.

Thirdly, the Detpack now has a variable timer so you can set 5 - 60 second detpacks.

Fourthly, collaborated w/ L0ki some more to get the death notices fixed when a Buildable Object (Dispenser, Detpack, Sentry Gun) kills someone. Now, the Buildable Object's owner gets the kill and the kill is reported correctly on screen and in logs.

* VALVe bots - not Dr.Evil's bots. These bots were added in a Source SDK update a while back. They just stand around and let me shoot them.

EDIT: Ooo, I just read Defrag's latest Dev Journal. Perhaps, instead of the beer fund (yes, I know, tragic to talk about removing such a thing), a "buy ME a new Athlon 64 computer fund"? Huh?! Yeah!?!?
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