Developer Journals

Developer Journal: trepid_jesse

Posted 1 decade ago Map Design
Hoody Hoo! Dat's the code fo' dem killas!

You know what sucks? Stayin' up all night, and then sleeping all day. See, when you were a kid you and your friends would lie about the time you stayed up all night long, ate two large pizzas by yourself, and drowned your neighbor's cat in the toilet. Just you, not me -- I did all of those things at least twice a week when I was a kid.. in.. a world?

I don't remember when I first stayed up in excess of 24 hours, but I know the longest I've ever stayed up was 38 hours, and I think I may of fallen asleep with my eyes open once, twice, or maybe even hamnocapt times.

Where.. am I going with this...

Pretty much just ignoring everything else, Jon and I are just wanting to "finish" Hunted. Stuff is constantly changing, and stuff we made when we first started on it now looks like complete gorillas ass, which is not to be confused with the gorilla finger. We're always requestin' more props to be made, like that big ballin' Hummer you've seen with all those naked strippers in the back. Of course, I think it's implied that strippers are naked, or we'd call them clothers, and who wants to pay money for some dirty woman to get her clean clothes all over you when you could have a dirty woman get her dirty dirtyness directly onto you. See, 'round here, we call that a bargain if you use two hands instead of one.

Anywho, yeah, there's gonna be all kinds of customness in Hunted, and hopefully when you play Hunted you're gonna bust a nut.

There's nothing bad in this, Schtoofa, alright, so back off monkey boy. See folks, usually that bastard takes all the really sophisticated parts out my dev journals to get them down to a PG rating, but I live in a XXX world.


Also, Schtoofa is my hero and he works hard every day. I hope that sometime I can meet him and buy him lots of beer, because he deserves it.
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