Developer Journals

Developer Journal: trepid_jon

Posted 1 decade ago Team Lead / Project Manager
So I was layin' on my bed, listenin' to O&A on XM 202, kinda sorta fallin' asleep, when Hurricane Rita decided to go to school in a hummer. And by that, I mean it decided to knock the power out at 5 AM last Saturday. It wasn't even the full man beast of a woman, either. It was barely even a storm at that point. Ooohhh, maybe it wasn't even the hurricane that took the power out. Well maybe there's a killer after you!

So the power went out, and the storm got worse and worse up until about 2 PM when it started to go away. It was pretty much completely gone by late afternoon. The power stayed out for a week. That sucked, but I didn't get it nearly as bad as other people got it.

It sucked not and internet...for a week.

No computer and no internet make Jon something something.

To try and put it in perspective in a way that everyone can understand, it was kinda like when you're watchin' a funny movie at a theater, and then you realize you're actually lost in the jungle being eaten alive by tigers. That was it...Bucho!

Anyways, FF...

Well, we've scrapped the FFMDK. I talked a little about the reasons why in this thread, which happens to be a tutorial about why and how you mappers out there should use BSPZIP to put your custom content inside your map's BSP. If you don't wanna sift through that thread to find the 1 paragraph about the FFMDK, I'll just quote it here...

Understanding and using BSPZIP is also kind of important because we no longer plan on developing and releasing the FFMDK (Fortress Forever Map Development Kit). Fortress Forever itself is obviously much more important, and FFMDK development would just eat away at precious FF development time. Initially, the FFMDK would have only helped you not use content (first or third party) from other games, like HL2DM, CS:S, and DoD:S. Or if you wanted to use content from those games, you would have had to put that content in your FFMDK directory to have it work, which would have then helped out with the BSPZIP process. We would have eventually put FF content in the FFMDK, but we might have been able to release FF by the time that would have happened anyway. So the FFMDK has been scrapped. It's just more important for us to focus on FF instead.

If you're upset about this, you shouldn't be. It's really not that big of a deal. It seems like it should be, but it's really not. So uh...yeah. Good luck, bro.

Hey, hunted and cz2 are done. Oh they aren't. They'd definitely be further along right now if Jesse wouldn't have started smokin' them BF2 rocks and if Rita wouldn't have been such a hole. Man, I hate holes. They're so worthless black.

Things are back to normal now, so Jesse and I are gonna map all the way to Vegas, baby. Vegas.

You're so money and you don't even know it.
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