Developer Journals

Developer Journal: trepid_jesse

Posted 1 decade ago Map Design
I'm looking to buy some new lungs if anyone body has some they don't need anymore. Maybe you and a friend can each cut out one lung and donate them to me.

Twice in the past 2 weeks 911 has been called because me having asthma sucks.

And that's the end of that story.

I really wanna start workin' with FryGuy with getting lots of cool LUA stuff implemented in FF. There's so much cool stuff you can do in TFC, and to lose any of that functionality would suck, but I think that with this LUA-nut we're gonna do some really cool stuff.

Like, I've been asking them, the coders, about the ability to create hybrid classes with LUA. In TFC, it's a pain in the ass to try and give some classes things they don't normally have, and changing their attributes and all that. I want it to be possible to give any class basically anything. Ya know, doin' stuff like making it so soldiers don't have to reload rockets for specialty deathmatch maps, give any/all weapons to any class, making people fire proof, conc proof, jon's mom proof.

Basically, I want LUA to be able to do everything, haha, but who knows what's gonna be possible?

Oh, and lest I forgot to moleste the best that went to rest, we've had LUA in for awhile, so.. haha, don't go thinkin' we saw Garry's MOD doin' it and then we wanted to do it, but we can't do it with Lauren because she said she was too tired, so we tied her down and we did it anyway because we're no limit 'round here!
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