Developer Journals

Developer Journal: trepid_jesse

Posted 1 decade ago Map Design
"Alright, ok, so what's done with FF? Tell me something, or I'ma kill you, and your whole family."

That's how you get answers, ok. You gotta threaten to Keyser Soze someone's family, and then you can do anything you want.

Lots of shit is in-game. Like, a lot, but it's not finalized yet. It's in there so we can all use it, and see if it's working right, report bugs, and make suggestions for how to improve it. All the buildables are in, and have been for awhile. I think Mulch and rebo took it to the octagon awhile back because there was some shit dealin' with something about needing a bone in each foot of the sentry or something, I dunno, haha, I dunno it's all good now.

The demoman's shit is all in, too. All of his pipes are in and work, and his detpack. Oh yeah, and when you shoot the pipes the shell casing falls off, which is cool. Like you see it fall into the world. Scouts can still eat detpacks, too.

Mirv and decs have been bustin' a nut all on the HUD lately, which is cool. It's not the regular HL2 HUD, but we haven't really talked about a new and improved HUD layout, but we've got some ideas -- we just gotta try'em out and see if they make you get a boner. See, that's the test. We have to see if we all get boners before we keep something, well, Defrag can't get boners anymore because he stuck his in the light socket last Tuesday.

The biggest missing component right now is animations, v_ and w_ models. I mean, these are all big tasks though. We first have to get the actual v_ model done, and skinned, and then we can make the w_ models. So, right now we just have the old TFC weapons in there as place holders. We have the grenade launcher in, and the RPG, oh and the crowbar, haha. All the grenades are in, too. Except, just recently I was throwing MIRVs around and noticed they flew like a big ole static ding dong through the air. They didn't rotate or anything, the just... arched through the air, so I wanted to see about making it rotate or something, and I think mirv said he'd just make it rotate along the z-axis, and we could go from there. The other grenades rotate all around and shit, but the MIRV was just bein' boring.

The conc is gonna be pretty cool too, cause we got a guy that apparently knows how to work with shaders, and so get a DX9 card before you play FF, or you're gonna have to see the lame ass deprecated effects.

Oh yeah, so anyway... the animations. We only have 1 character animator right now. Actually, I guess we have 2 if you count rebo, but he's not really an animator, but he does know how to do all that shit I think. Anyway, our one char animator, I dunno where he's been, but he has been workin' on shit. It made a big difference way back when the first batch of animations were commited because it was getting pretty lame just watching a bunch of un-moving people glide around everywhere like your grandma after she took that big hit of E over at Luke's house.

Annnnnnnd, Mirv added this mapguide entity, which is like... think of how golf on TV does that fly-by shit of the course, and you're lookin' for all the hot bitches in the crowd, but you don't see any, because what hot bitches go to golf games? So, you can make fly-bys of your map and add commentary or explanations of whatever. Like, if you had a conc map, you could do a fly-by going through the entire map, explaining the jumps, giving hints, or play a clip from a 80s porno that starred me and Jon tag-teaming your mom. So, there's a good chance you might be one of my hundreds of bastards.

We still don't have the super-shotgun in, but I think we're gonna re-make it, along with the sniper rifle. I think it was decided that they weren't interesting enough from the v_ perspective, or something like that, I don't really remember.

Uhhhhh, detpacks can be dropped from anywhere, apparently. I was talking to Mulchman about it last night, and he mentioned how you can drop them off edges and whatever. So, you know how in well, in TFC, you could get on the enemy roof, and drop a detpack right in front of the front door? Well, you don't have to do that shit where you're trickin' TFC into think you're dropping it on the ground, you can just hold it over the edge and drop it like it's hot.

FooleyCooley has been makin' lots of cool shit latey, and decs has been skinnin' lots of shit lately, too. FC recently "finished" the tranq and rail gun, and those are gonna be cool to see once decs has skinned them. He's done something else, that I'm forgetting about, haha... it seems kinda important, or big.. or.. god damn what is it... oh yeah, Bile made a medkit which rebo just finished UVing, and that's more action headed for decs to skin.

Our character skinner, Spewok, is finally back after his eye getting KOed in the first round by a bungee cord, haha, god damn that's really funny and shitty all at the same time. He's already got some medic skin he showed us, and that shit is lookin' really kick ass.

Ok, I'ma stop typing now because I have laundry that's just sitting in the damn washer. I haven't done laundry since January 10th or something, and I've been wearing stank ass clothes for awhile.
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