Developer Journals

Developer Journal: Mulchman

Posted 1 decade ago Programmer
Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo it's been forever since I've done a real Dev Journal update. "Allegedly" people don't like my comics or random stuff that isn't FF Dev Journal stuff.


So, I saw Brian Regan last night and he was awesome (haha, here we go again w/ the non Dev Journal stuff! I totally just fooled all of you.) But really, his new stuff is incredible; I have never laughed so much.

Okay, I'll stop.

I've been neglecting my duty (for at least a couple of weeks now... :X) to add the hud hint stuff that will pop up letting the player know important stuff (yeah... that really describes what it is...) BUT I have been doing some bug fixes/feature additions.

While not getting into fisticuffs with the trepids over some water depth issue(s), I've been:

  • working on the DM map
  • fixing bugs like:

    • re-wrote buildable building code [which fixed just about all of the little annoying problems that were coming up]
    • added in cameras & multiple render targets [btw, point_camera.cpp needs two minor fixes to actually make it work (pm me if you're trying to get cameras to work for your mod and aren’t having success) and added the ability to have multiple render targets (this was a hl2world tutorial though so I can’t take credit for that)]
    • made it so you can’t build dispenser/sg on top of each other (like, you could get the models to be all up inside each other)
    • made it so you can’t build dispenser/sg on elevators

  • made some awesome MS Paint image of how our HUD should look (rofl...)
  • walked (couldn't run because of ITB syndrome on left leg) my second marathon (~5:58 ish) and the medals they gave out at the end to both half-marathoners and marathoners had the state name spelled wrong so that was really nice (and the people who put the whole event on are VERY pleased to find this out after the fact... it totally ruins their event, heh :/)
  • finally adjusted some stuff for the water depth issue once the trepids started to play nice

And I’ve totally lost steam (no pun intended) and focus with this Dev Journal so I’ll stop now.
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