Developer Journals

Developer Journal: trepid_jesse

Posted 1 decade ago Map Design
Random Fact:
I got naked with Mark's mom last night, and she did a thorough inspection, and it turns out she wants me.

Sooooo, Jon and I have been workin' on cz2 lately, and it's look kinda cool here and there, haha, that's all I have to say about that, I guess.

We've been raisin' hell about some stuff in FF, though. Like, movement in water.

The movement in FF is really awesome, it's just.. it's just bonerific shit moving around in FF. It's so smooth and awesome. Well, until you land in some water.

See, in water that's >40 units deep, your movement gets douchey when you want to, say, jump. We had to stomp ass just to get 40 units to be the new "maximum minimum." See, in HL2, in water that's <40 units deep, you can duck while in the water, look up, and you'll see both outside/underwater at the same time, and that's lame. So, it's easier to just make water at least 40 units deep to prevent that from being possible. Well, before it was changed, you couldn't jump in water that was >36 units, but in water that was 36 units you could jump fine. A 1 unit threshold for that was just dumb. So, we finally got them to make it 40, but now... what about water that's 41 units deep you ask? Exactly, there's a problem -- the movement code needs to be tweaked so that you can't suddenly not move around "naturally." So, basically, we need to find a "maximum depth" so that once you get to that depth your movement would be restricted as you'd expect, but up until that point your movement is just gradually deprecated.

Haha, ok, so, a recap of that if you didn't understand...

I think the movement code needs to be changed so that when you're in water that's >40 and <(# to be determined), your movement is gradually hindered instead of instantly hindered just because you're in water that's >40.

Oh yeah, I keep recording demos of different cool things in FF to release as dev journals, but I'm horrible at figuring out how to compress shit in either DivX or XviD, and these "tutorials" I find are worthless. So, if you actually know a thing or two about compressing videos for HL/HL2, then you should get in touch with me so that I can more cool videos.
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