Developer Journals

Developer Journal: decs

Posted 1 decade ago Lead Texture Artist
Hey again!
Im having some bad luck theese days it seems, some of you allready heard about my camera purchase fiasco. I basiclly paid a bit much for an old Digital SLR camera, then it broke down the same day i got it. Today i had my final exam in newer history and i was very well prepared, atleast i thought, until i got my subject which was "American History 1861-1975 From the civil war to the vietnam war". And that was a shocker since american history isnt really mentioned all that much in our history books. But i thought "allright" and made the best out of it. I allready knew shitloads about the cold war, spent the preperation time to freshen up on other parts of american history within that timeframe.

My exam went over all expectations, i remember alot of shit and i talked about the civil war, USAs view on imperialsm, WW1/WW2 from USAs pov, the stock market crash and its effects, the cold war with emphasis on the cuba crisis, korea war and vietnam war (which i didnt finish because we were out of time). After this i felt great.. everything went way beyond my expectations but when i get called back to get my grade i got a horrible grade. D; I think they must have been very harsh this day, the chick before me failed.. I passed but only one grade above the passing grade, i was expecting atleast a grade better than i did..

ANYWAY to sum this up, reason im posting this: IM BACK! I can work 100% fulltime on ff again :] Ive been doing alot of props and shit latley and now when FC returns im ready to finish all the remaining weapons as fast as i possible.

This will be a good couple of months for ff.. very good.
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