Developer Journals

Developer Journal: Defrag

Posted 1 decade ago Lead Map Design
Just a quick note to say that I've been very busy for the last two months, but the end is in sight. On Friday, my last university deliverable is due. Other than a possible maths resit (wahey...) that means I'm finished for the summer. Since I've been too busy to keep up a sustained assault on FF-related issues, I've spent my free time on making props for my maps; I've also done some other bite-sized tasks here and there. I always hate not being able to devote a lot of time to FF (as I'm involved in many capacities; mapping actually takes up a relatively small portion of my time compared to everything else), so I'll be glad to get back to normal.

Other news: Even though decs was revising for exams, he managed to take the time out to skin umpteen props for the mappers, which was nice. Omen has also made a lot of stuff for the mappers and he and decs have formed a nice tag-team :)

Patty (Mulch) has been a hive of industry over the last few months and we're very grateful to him for his devotion to FF. It's the time of year where everyone inevitably grinds to a halt due to university/college work, so it's always cool to see certain people really putting in a tonne of effort to help us along during the slow periods. I could do a list of bugs that have been fixed lately, but it'd take forever to write. Lots remain, but mirv and co will be back from their educational commitments in the coming weeks.

Blunkka has finished the push textures I needed, and I can get on and finish the map now. The CS:S textures he replaced are no longer missed, as his stuff is just as good, if not better.

On the mapping front, eat has really cracked on with well, and it's now getting to the finishing stages. Zouave's dustbowl is looking splendid, and there's potentially an additional surprise in the works, too. Kermit has returned to the Internet and blessed us with an updated version of SD2 and I'm sure you won't be disappointed. Crackerjack's openfire theme is beginning to emerge and I'm sure he'll have some stuff to show in the coming months. Zazi continues to work on avanti and it's looking nice. Finally, the trepids have busted out of the asylum to continue work on cz2 and hunted. They have some very interesting concepts for the map and they'll no doubt write a deranged journal detailing some of their ideas and stuff.

On the modeling front:
rebo has reworked a character model or two and very nice they are too. The spy's skin has been finished by Spewok and it'll be winging its way to your monitors soon enough. The soldier has put on weight. The prez is running around and swinging his unbrella. Lots of animation bugs have been squashed by DK and rebo.

Tang has been fixing up the odd sound problem here and there, but the majority of the stuff is essentially finished. He's workin' on the vox / announcer (whatever you want to call it) right now.

Although it is slow going at the moment, we know for sure that several (usually productive) team members will be back with a bang very shortly, and then it'll be all systems go once more. We'll try and get a media release out at some point; we have a lot of stuff that's basically ready to go, we just haven't got around to it yet.

Apologies for the matter of fact machine gun delivery of 'stuff' but I don't have time to write a hugely detailed account of proceedings. Until next time!
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