Developer Journals

Developer Journal: Mulchman

Posted 1 decade ago Programmer
Hm, it seems I always want to post a Dev Journal when someone else has queued one up (sorry eat - I don't mean to purposely steal your thunder! Happy lovely pie & chips and stuff {Hey, that geico lizard says that crap!]).

So anyway, I'm sitting here and my cat is driving me crazy doing stuff she's not supposed to be doing so my water spray bottle is going crazy getting her wet. (Um, that's not pornagraphic, you freaks.)

Anyway, I'm getting excited and so should you as the badasses of FF are finally getting close to being done with their prior obligations so that they can now spend their time working on FF. Of course I'm talking about Mirv, Decs, & FC (Rebo's a badass too but he's always been around).'

Anyway, I'm still working on some bugs and some fun stuff - like the respawn turret some other stuff.

Alright, back to foobar and beer, late.
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