
Brushin' off the cobwebs.

Posted 1 decade ago by Circuitous
Hey, how y'all doin'? Circuitous here. I know, right? Very exciting.

Okay, so, we've been a little quieter than necessary. I apologize for that.

As has been mentioned on the forums, the main reason things haven't been updated outside of the forums is that, well, no one had any access to it. While this sadly remains true for the ModDB page, it's no longer the case for the website - squeek and I are now wielding proper control, and have already brought about much-needed edits to its cobweb-infested, yet standards-compliant, DIVs.

That said, even more work has been going on behind the scenes - many of the cornerstones of the 2.1 update are being completed. Squeek's been rocking socks on the training front, DrEvil continues to pound away at the bot code, and 2fort once more is seeing the light of day.

So, what's the timeline? Despite our best efforts, that remains to be seen. It's an unfortunate fact that many prominent devs from the 2.0 patch and prior have now parted ways with Fortress Forever, or simply become less active, and what devs remain have a lot on their plates.

Suffice it to say, we could use some new people.

If you happen to be skilled in any of the following fields, or know someone who is, get in contact with the team - either through the forums, or by e-mail. Our job openings page has the goods.

  • Model Animator
  • Level Designer
  • Texture Artist
  • Prop Artist
  • Programmer
  • Level Optimization and Clean Up
  • Lua Scripter

We want to get as many people on board as we can - recruitment behind the scenes has already been moving steadily along. You probably already know them, but I'll introduce them here anyway.

Welcome to:

  • DT
  • Professional

  • Sh4x
  • BlisTer
  • redux
  • Nezumi

Map Optimization
  • Elmo-

  • -pF-

  • Crazycarl

and hopefully more on the way.

People, we can do this. And with a few more folks on hand, it'll be that much quicker. All we need is the support and understanding of the community, and this patch will be out sooner than you think, and with a lot more to expect on the horizon.
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