Developer Journals

Developer Journal: Defrag

Posted 1 decade ago Lead Map Design
Since people are requesting more dev journal updates, even if there's not much to say, I'll update again. I've still been working on bases & push, and I've been reworking the bases battlement corridor as, in my opinion, the screenshot I released of it is nothing short of embarrassing. It looks crap. I'm remedying this and have wasted ~a day of work on it without getting it looking as I'd like. Fortunately, my latest design is looking a lot better, and i'm beginning to achieve what I'm after.

Developer Journal: Mulchman

Posted 1 decade ago Programmer
Okay, I'm hoping to get Schtoofa liquor'd up so he'll just blindly accept this Dev Journal so I can leak an in-game picture out to people.

Or, if you're reading this Schtoofa... Uh, hey there! You've been doing a great job lately! Below is just a thumbnail image you don't have to click on about how much I love you. Thanks pal! Click accept - no need to read below!

*Edit by schtoofa - Fine, fine -- but you owe me a tall pint of Guinness.

Developer Journal: Defrag

Posted 1 decade ago Lead Map Design
Well, it's been a while since my last update, so I'll keep this ticking over.

Push is basically where it was a couple of weeks ago -- largely complete. I just need to get a few replacement props for the crates in the side warehouse, and then some media can start the long and arduous trek towards each and every one of your monitors. I'm pleased with the look of the map and the detail I've worked in, so you'll just have to sit tight and wait to see what I've done with it. The hardest part was working in the central divider between the warehouse & bases, as it just doesn't suit the industrial theme I went for. Unfortunately, the divider was required as it blocks visiblity. That's the only part of the map about which I'm not overjoyed. Also: going back to TFC's push is ridiculous -- it looks like the work of a blurry orthogonal monotone monster! The HL engine is really looking its age these days. Hugs and kisses for source.

I've been working solidly on bases once more for a week or longer, and I'm making slow but good progress. I've been sprucing up the ramp room, front door, landing between RR & FR and the secret wall area amongst other things. The secret area is now a lot more strategic. It's themed like a maintenance access area for FF, and there's a few little surprises and added elements to make it a lot more interesting than the old secret corridor. It will no longer be a case of running into a boring corridor and seeing if anyone is there. Attackers and defenders alike will have a few different things they can do to take an advantage.. oh, and mind the gap.

Developer Journal: Mulchman

Posted 1 decade ago Programmer
Happy Birthday to ME! (8/17)

Developer Journal: Chemical Burn

Posted 1 decade ago Map Design
With another semester drawing to an end, I’m getting the ball rolling once more. I had somewhat lost inspiration with Monkey so I took a little break to work on another map, however I’m currently working on finishing up Monkey.

I still have quite a bit of work to do getting Monkey ready, but as always my productivity comes in spurts. I’ve had Hammer open for seven hours so far today and progress is coming quick.