Developer Journals

Developer Journal: Ghroth

Posted 1 decade ago Lead Sound Design
WEWT my first wiki submission

Check it out!

Under where it says Soundflags for Soundscripts.

Hope that helps some people out there. 8)

Developer Journal: Mulchman

Posted 1 decade ago Programmer
Hey... I haven't posted in a while it seems. Like mirv I'm trying to address some bugs here and there. A couple of us ran around on our dedicated server for a bit and found quite a few things that like to crash the game, heh, so yeah...

A lot of the core stuff is done. Some major things - we've still got to get the sentrygun working in game, get the hint system going and the training mode going, and then finesse up everything else. The sg is awaiting a modeller to fix the model up proper and the training mode is awaiting the bots and actual maps to be used in the training mode. And then there's testing and fixing and tweaking and all that good stuff.

Anway, I'm running my first marathon this saturday in Richmond (Virginia, USA). You're supposed to be able to track my status online too but I won't have that info until friday night (for anybody who actually cares about it, ha). I'm hoping for a 03:40:00 ish time which means 00:08:30 minute miles. Actually, I'm hoping to just finish the damn thing so I can rest my feet. My right foot just won't stop giving me problems.

Q&A Time:

Will there be teleporters in FF?

Dev Team:


Also, I know that physics won't play any sort of major part in FF, but to what extent will it be left in the game?

As it is right now (BUT IT COULD BE CHANGED), the detpack, once set, drops and reacts via physics until it comes to rest where it is "locked" essentially and can't be moved anymore. You know... if it hasn't blown up by then. :P

Developer Journal: Dospac

Posted 1 decade ago Gameplay Design
In our forums it was recently asked what changes we'll be making to the HWguy. I thought it would be cool to do a journal entry that shared our ideas for the HWguy with you all.

Then I realized this forum Question and journal Answer was a cool format that we could keep using for semi-regular journal updates answering some of the questions you guys have. Ask your questions in the thread posted at the end of this entry and we'll pick a few good ones to answer in another journal update.

The topic Hired Gun started asking about the HWguy can be found here.

When thinking of possible changes for the HW, the first hurdle is to look past the league game's long standing restriction of the class to 1 per team. In TFC public servers class limits were generally rare. Balancing the class and game means making 2 HWguys at every choke point on 2fort seem like less of a good idea for new players. However, until we have new players testing the game, we'll have to stick with what we know is wrong with the class.

Our proposed changes to the HW begin with an addition to the conc effect that will make aiming the assault cannon in particular more difficult when concussed. The true firing tracer that players in TFC used to aim the AC conced will be removed in FF. We will also test reducing the mobility of the HWguy somewhat, taking out his ability to jump once the AC is spun up and firing. If we need further balancing, reducing the effectiveness of the AC through overheating after continuous firing or something similar could be implemented. We're hoping with other classes more powerful, a better balance will be achieved.

We're always open to your HWGuy suggestions, so post them in Hired Gun's thread above!

And now, if you have a question you would like answered in a journal update, ask away in the new topic:

Developer Journal: trepid_jesse

Posted 1 decade ago Map Design
See weird things driving. I've never understood log trucks. Sometimes you'll be out on the highway you'll see two big giant trucks each loaded up with logs and they'll pass each other on the highway. I don't understand that. I mean, if they need logs over there, and they need'em over there -- you think a phone call would save a whole lot of trouble.

You had logs? But I was told to... Gotta order for'em: logs, brings logs. That's what I did, I brought the logs.

Where.. wait, it's.. huh, is this the naked place?


Workin' on cz2 is fun cause makin' completely useless and arbitrary brushwork is fun. We made these cool ass iris door type things. Iris as in, it's like.. there's 16 pieces and it's a circle and they all open at the same time and the gators come out and rip your face off at the family reunion. New guy is in the corner pukin' his guts out. GAHHHHHH GAHHHHHH All because you wanted to save a couple extra pennies. The door probably won't make it into cz2 cause, well, cause it just ain't fittin' the theme of what's goin' on down at the Orgyplex 9000. Have you been there? It's pretty intense. See, I first went down there with my grandma and it turns out she's the 1962 Orgyplex 6000 champion. See, it was only at 6000 back then, so, we're movin' up to meet Choda boy later.

Oh yeah, and we got 2 texture artists now, 2.. 2 cars in every garage, but one of them is still in Jamaica, right near da beach, BOY-E!

One of our animators is all busy with class and stuff, which is really just an excuse to find more time to play Call of Duty. Oh yeah, we see you on Xfire.. busted man, you're busted, give me back sandwich, too.

When when you walk into a public restroom, why is everything freakin' wet? I'll tell you why, Rumplestiltskin. Rumplestiltskin's a good guy, and so are all of you.


Seriously, the attack on the media is gonna take place when I go home for the holidays. Tell your friends, I mean, you could have a beaver in tow?

If anyone can spot all the references in this dev journal, I'll leak FF to you, ok, I'll leak it right down your throat.

Developer Journal: Ghroth

Posted 1 decade ago Lead Sound Design

Today is a special day because I can put down the scripts and start my foley work.

wewt for new freshy sounds!

Not to mention that soulescape has a bundle or two under his sleeve, but he's got them locked and loaded.
