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Pyro pic.jpg
Health And Armour
Health Maximum 100
Armour Type: Yellow
Armour On Spawn: 50
Armour Maximum: 150
Maximum Speed: 315
Grenade 1: Frag
Grenade 2: Napalm
slot1: Crowbar
slot2: Single Shotgun
slot3: Nothing
slot4: Flamethrower
slot5: Incendiary Cannon
slot6: Nothing

TODO on this page

  • Change the template from Page_Class => Class; Info box => Info box small
  • You need to add the abilities, weapons and grenades parameters
    And also the extra parameters for the info box (health, armour, power, speed)
    See Class:Scout or Class:Pyro for example of pages that are already done

A fireman gone horribly wrong, the Pyro is the chaos-causer of Fortress Forever. He carries a multitude of different flame-based weapons to set enemies alight and burn them all to death. He has the third highest armor in the game (after the HW Guy and Soldier) and is faster than all but the Scout and Medic. This combination of armor and speed allows the Pyro to operate efficiently in either an offensive role, defensive role, or maybe even somewhere in between. The map can also influence this choice.

The Pyro's main weapon is, fittingly, the flamethrower. It pumps out a continuous stream of flames and has a huge ammo reserve; allowing the Pyro to harass and control areas for extensive periods of time. He also packs an incendiary cannon and napalm grenades to complete his fiery repertoire. The incendiary cannon is useful at range and the grenades can set a small area ablaze. The main tools of a good Pyro are harassment and confusion. Although the changes to the Pyro in FF make him an effective killing machine, he is still good at being the team distraction. On offense, he can keep enemies preoccupied while the faster, more mobile classes (i.e. Scout and Medic) make their way to the objective untouched. On defense, he can serve as a sort of roamer, confusing and being a constant in thorn in the side of the enemy offense.

While countless specific examples of what a Pyro can do could be given, it all boils down to the fact the Pyro's main role is harassment and chaos-causing. If you've been looking for an outlet for that brewing pyromania, this is the class for you.

Changes from Team Fortress Classic

Actually useful.

Incendiary Cannon rockets are affected by gravity, and their slow pace makes them closer to mortars than RPGs.

IC + Napalm jumps are a bit trickier to time, but grant much better propulsion.

Special Command

Special command switches to the Flamethrower.

Special Abilities

  • Flame Resistance
    As long as he has armor, the Pyro cannot be lit on fire and does not suffer much damage from his own (or other's) flame weaponry.



The standard-issue crowbar for every class. It does some damage, but not enough to make a difference in a battle against a full-health opponent. It's a good humiliation tool for someone who is about to die, however.


The regular shotgun is a surprisingly useful addition to the pyro's arsenal. While definitely not a main weapon, a few quick shots can kill that low-health scout who is out of range of your flame weaponry and is about to disappear with your flag.


The signature weapon of the pyro. It spews fire out to a medium range and lights enemies ablaze. The flame stream does considerable damage by itself, but it works best when combined with the stacking damage over time effects of the pyro's other flame weaponry. It holds a maximum of 200 cells and thus can be fired continuously for an long period of time.

Incendiary Cannon

This could be considered the pyro's other "main weapon." It works somewhat like the rocket launcher. However, the projectiles fire in an arc and don't do as much damage as a rocket. However, it has a large splash radius that sets enemies on fire. This is often used as an opener or if you can't close in on your opponent. It also serves as a means of propulsion for the pyro.


Grenades here.


All classes are technically capable of carrying all of the different types of Ammunition. The various types of ammo in Fortress Forever are listed here along with the amount the class spawns with, the maximum the class can carry, and whether or not a class can discard that type of ammo. (For example, a Soldier can not discard Rockets since his RPG uses them.)

Some classes spawn with 0 of a specific type of ammo, and some classes can not pick up a specific type of ammo at all (represented by a 0 in the "Maximum" column).

Ammunition At Spawn Maximum Discard
Frag 2 4 No
Napalm Grenade 4 4 No
Shells 20 40 No
Nails 0 50 Yes
Cells 170 200 No
Rockets 5 20 No
Detpacks 0 0 No

Strategy And Tips


Concept Art: dood

Model: dood

Skin: dood

Voice: dood

External Links

These are links related to the Pyro.

Class Guides
Scout  •  Sniper  •  Soldier  •  Demoman  •  Medic •  HWGuy  •  Pyro  •  Spy  •  Engineer  •  Civilian
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