Rocket Jump

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What is a Rocket Jump?

Rocket jumping is a skill used by the Soldier class, and to a lesser extent, the Pyro classes in Fortress Forever. It is a way to use the blast of the Soldiers RPG rocket to propel the player into the air, so as to get to high locations that would be otherwise inaccessible. Their are several variations on the rocket jump, as well as combination jumps using other weapons, or more than one rocket. Rocket jumping takes away from the players health, so it can't be done too often. One or two jumps is likely maximum, unless you have a Medic nearby, or are near an ally resupply.

How to perform rocket jumps

Performing a basic rocket jump

To rocket jump, run, look straight down, then fire and jump at the same time. That's all there is to it. It takes some time to learn the timing between the jump and firing the RPG, but with a little practice, anyone can do it.

Some variations on this jump:

  • Jumping and firing the rocket at an angle while running backwards, to escape from pursuers.
  • Varying the timing of the jump and rocket to reduce the amount of damage done, when jumping shorter heights.

Advanced rocket jumps

Double rocket jump

This jump is performed by rocket jumping when directly next to a tall wall that you need to climb. At the apex of the rocket jump (about as soon as the next rocket is loaded), fire another rocket at the wall just below you. This will boost you up even further. As an example, the double rocket jump can get you out of the pit on Crossover. Theoretically, a triple or even quadruple rocket jump should be possible, but few walls that high are smooth enough (or are without overhangs at the top) to perform those tricks, and the player would have very little health (if any) after it was complete.

Rocket jump with grenade

This is an advanced technique that is somewhat difficult to time correctly. It involves priming --and holding-- a frag grenade, and then rocket jumping just before it explodes (about a half of a second or so). The rocket jump will propel you at first, and then the hand-held grenade gives you an extra boost. This technique is similar to the double Conc jump, but is slightly easier to perform. A major health hit is incurred by performing this maneuver, so it is not something that should be used under normal circumstances.

Notes on rocket jumping

Pyros can perform rocket jumps, but won't go as high. Trick jumps like double rocket jump don't work because the rocket reload speed is too slow. The Engineer can perform a Railgun jump with a charged Railgun, with similar performance to a rocket jump.

See Also

Pyro Jumping