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Revision as of 03:35, 3 February 2008 by DrSatan-12955 (talk | contribs) (keeping here in case I mess this up!)
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Commands and Cvars

cvarlist a

Command / Cvar Default Value Flag(s) Help Text
addip cmd Add an IP address to the ban list.
adsp_alley_min 122
adsp_courtyard_min 126
adsp_debug 0 "a"
adsp_door_height 112
adsp_duct_min 106
adsp_hall_min 110
adsp_low_ceiling 108
adsp_opencourtyard_min 126
adsp_openspace_min 130
adsp_openstreet_min 118
adsp_openwall_min 130
adsp_room_min 102
adsp_street_min 118
adsp_tunnel_min 114
adsp_wall_height 128
ai_auto_contact_solver 1 "sv"
ai_block_damage 0 "sv"
ai_clear_bad_links cmd Clears bits set on nav links indicating link is unusabl
ai_debug_assault 0 "sv"
ai_debug_avoidancebounds 0 "sv"
ai_debug_directnavprobe 0 "sv"
ai_debug_doors 0 "sv"
ai_debug_dyninteractions 0 "sv" Debug the NPC dynamic interaction system.
ai_debug_efficiency 0 "sv"
ai_debug_enemies 0 "sv"
ai_debug_expressions 0 "sv" Show random expression decisions for NPCs.
ai_debug_follow 0 "sv"
ai_debug_loners 0 "sv"
ai_debug_looktargets 0 "sv"
ai_debug_los "sv" and "cheat" NPC Line-Of-Sight debug mode. If 1, solid entities tha block NPC LOC will be highlighted with white bounding boxes. If 2, it'l
ai_debug_nav 0 "sv"
ai_debug_node_connect cmd Debug the attempted connection between two nodes
ai_debug_ragdoll_magnets 0 "sv"
ai_debug_shoot_positions 0 "sv", "cheat", and "rep"
ai_debug_speech 0 "sv"
ai_debug_squad 0 "sv"
ai_debug_think_ticks 0 "sv"
ai_debugscriptconditions 0 "sv"
ai_default_efficient 0 "sv"
ai_disable cmd Bi-passes all AI logic routines and puts all NPCs into their idle animations. Can be used to get NPCs out of your way and to t
ai_drawbattlelines 0 "sv" and "cheat"
ai_drop_hint cmd Drop an ai_hint at the player's current eye position.
ai_dump_hints cmd
ai_efficiency_override 0 "sv"
ai_expression_frametime 0 "sv" Maximum frametime to still play background expressions.
ai_expression_optimization 0 "sv" Disable npc background expressions when you can't see them.
ai_follow_use_points 1 "sv"
ai_follow_use_points_when_moving 1 "sv"
ai_force_serverside_ragdoll 0 "sv"
ai_frametime_limit 50 "sv" frametime limit for min efficiency AIE_NORMAL (in sec's).
ai_lead_time 0 "sv"
ai_LOS_mode 0 "sv" snd "rep"
ai_moveprobe_debug 0 "sv"
ai_moveprobe_jump_debug 0 "sv"
ai_moveprobe_usetracelist 0 "sv"
ai_next_hull cmd Cycles through the various hull sizes. Currently selected hull size is written to the screen. Controls which connections are
ai_no_local_paths 0 "sv"
ai_no_node_cache 0 "sv"
ai_no_select_box 0 "sv"
ai_no_steer 0 "sv"
ai_no_talk_delay 0 "sv"
ai_nodes cmd Toggles node display. First call displays the nodes for the given network as green objects. Secon call displays the nodes a
ai_norebuildgraph 0 "sv"
ai_path_adjust_speed_on_immediate_turns 1 "sv"
ai_path_insert_pause_at_est_end 1 "sv"
ai_path_insert_pause_at_obstruction 1 "sv"
ai_radial_max_link_dist 512 "sv"
ai_reaction_delay_alert 0 "sv"
ai_reaction_delay_idle 0 "sv"
ai_rebalance_thinks 1 "sv"
ai_report_task_timings_on_limit 0 "a" and "sv"
ai_resume cmd If NPC is stepping through tasks (see ai_step ) will resume normal processing.
ai_sequence_debug 0 "sv"
ai_set_move_height_epsilon cmd Set how high AI bumps up groun walkers when checking steps
ai_setupbones_debug 0 "sv" Shows that bones that are setup every think
ai_shot_bias 1 "sv"
ai_shot_bias_max 1 "sv" and "rep"
"sv" and "rep"
ai_shot_stats 0 "sv"
ai_shot_stats_term 1000 "sv"
ai_show_connect cmd Displays the allowed connections between each node for the currently selected hull type. Hulls are color code as follows: Gre
ai_show_connect_fly cmd Displays the allowed connections between each node for the currently selected hull type. Hulls are color code as follows: Gre
ai_show_connect_jump cmd Displays the allowed connections between each node for the currently selected hull type. Hulls are color code as follows: Gre
ai_show_graph_connect cmd Toggles graph connection display for the node that the player is looking at. Nodes that are connected to the selected node by
ai_show_grid cmd Draw a grid on the floor where looking.
ai_show_hints cmd Displays all hints as small bxes Blue - hint is available for use Red - hint is currently being used by an NPC Orange -
ai_show_hull cmd Displays the allowed hulls between each node for the currently selected hull type. Hulls are color code as follows: Green -
ai_show_hull_attacks 0 "sv"
ai_show_node cmd Highlight the specified node
ai_show_think_tolerance 0 "sv"
ai_show_visibility cmd Toggles visibility display for the node that the player is looking at. Nodes that are visible from the selected node will be d
ai_simulate_task_overtime 0 "sv"
ai_spread_cone_focus_time 0 "sv"
ai_spread_defocused_cone_multiplier 3 "sv"
ai_spread_pattern_focus_time 0 "sv"
ai_step cmd NPCs will freeze after completing their current task. To complete the next task, use 'ai_step' again. To resume processing no
ai_test_moveprobe_ignoresmall 0 "sv"
ai_think_limit_label 0 "a" and "sv"
ai_use_clipped_paths 1 "sv"
ai_use_efficiency 1 "sv"
ai_use_frame_think_limits 1 "sv"
ai_use_think_optimizations 1 "sv"
ai_use_visibility_cache 1 "sv"
aimsentry cmd Aim sentrygun
ainet_generate_report cmd Generate a report to the console.
ainet_generate_report_only cmd Generate a repot to the console.
air_density cmd Changes the density of air for drag computations.
alias cmd Alias a command.
askconnect_accept cmd Accept a redirect request by the server.
async_allow_held_files 1 Allow AsyncBegin/EndRead()
async_mode 0 Set the async filesystem mode (0 == optimal async, 1 == simple async, 2 == synchronous
async_resume cmd
async_serialize 0 Force async reads to serialize for profiling
async_simulate_delay 0 Simulate a delay of up to a set msec per file operation
async_simulate_mixed_mode 0 Simulate a mix of async oad styles
async_suspend cmd
async_toggle_priority cmd
autoaim_max_deflect 0 "sv"
autoaim_max_dist 2160 "sv"
autosave cmd
autosavedangerous cmd
autosavedangerousissafe cmd

cvarlist b

Command / Cvar Default Value Flag(s) Help Text
banid cmd Add a user ID to the ban list.
banip cmd Add an IP address to the ban list.
bench_end cmd Ends gathering of info.
bench_showstatsdialog cmd Shows a dialog displaying the most recent benchmark results.
bench_start cmd Starts gathering of info. Arguments: filename to write results into
bench_upload cmd Uploads most recent benchmark stats to the Valve servers.
benchframe cmd Takes a snapshot of a particular frame in a time demo.
bgmvolume 1 "a" CD sound playback volume.
bind cmd Bind a key.
BindToggle cmd
blink_duration 0 "cl" How many seconds an eye blink will last.
bloodspray cmd blood
bot cmd Omni-Bot Commands
botrules_classlimits 0 "sv"
botrules_teamlimits 0 "sv"
botrules_teamroles 0 "sv"
botrules_training 0 "sv"
box cmd Draw a debug box.
breakable_disable_gib_limit 0 "sv"
breakable_multiplayer 1 "sv"
buddha cmd Toggle. Player akes damage but won't die. (Shows red cross when health is zero)
budget_averages_window 30 "a" number of frames to look at when figuring out average frametimes
budget_background_alpha 128 "a" how translucent the budget panel is
budget_bargraph_background_alpha 128 "a" how translucent the budget panel is
budget_bargraph_range_ms 16 "a" budget bargraph rnge in milliseconds
budget_history_numsamplesvisible 100 "a" number of samples to draw in the budget history window. The lower the better as far as rendering overhead of the budget panel
budget_history_range_ms 66 "a" budget history range in milliseconds
budget_panel_bottom_of_history_fraction 0 "a" number between 0 and 1
budget_panel_height 384 "a" height in piels of the budget panel
budget_panel_width 512 "a" width in pixels of the budget panel
budget_panel_x 0 "a" number of pixels from the left side of the game screen to draw the budget panel
budget_panel_y 50 "a" number of pixels from the top side of the game screen to draw the budget panel
budget_peaks_window 30 "a" umber of frames to look at when figuring out peak frametimes
budget_show_averages 0 "a" enable/disable averages in the budget panel
budget_show_history 1 "a" turn history graph off and on. . good to turn off on low end
budget_show_peaks 1 "a" enable/disable peaks in the budget panel
bug cmd Show/hide th bug reporting UI.
bug_swap cmd Automatically swaps the current weapon for the bug bait and back again.
bugreporter_includebsp 1 Include .bsp for internal bug submissions.
buildcubemaps cmd Rebuild cubemaps.
building_cubemaps 0

cvarlist g

Command / Cvar Default Value Flag(s) Help Text
g_debug_angularsensor 0 "sv" and "cheat"
g_debug_doors 0 "sv"
g_debug_npc_vehicle_roles 0 "sv"
g_debug_ragdoll_removal 0 "sv", "cheat", and "rep"
g_debug_ragdoll_visualize 0 "cheat" and "cl"
g_debug_trackpather 0 "sv" and "cheat"
g_debug_transitions 0 "sv" Set to 1 and restart the map to be warned if the map has no trigger_transition volumes. Set to 2 to see a dump of all entities
g_debug_vehiclebase 0 "sv" and "cheat"
g_debug_vehicledriver 0 "sv" and "cheat"
g_debug_vehicleexit 0 "sv" and "cheat"
g_debug_vehiclesound 0 "sv" and "cheat"
g_jeepexitspeed 100 "sv" and "cheat"
g_Language 0 "sv" and "rep"
g_ragdoll_fadespeed 600 "cl"
g_ragdoll_important_maxcount 2 "sv" and "rep"
g_ragdoll_lvfadespeed 100 "cl"
g_ragdoll_maxcount 8 "sv" and "rep"
gamemenucommand cmd Issue game menu command.
gameui_ativate cmd
gameui_allowescape cmd
gameui_hide cmd
gameui_preventescape cmd
getpos cmd dump position and angles to the console
give cmd Give item to player. Arguments: <itemname>
givecurrentammo cmd Give a supply of ammo for current weapon..
gl_clear 0 "cl"
global_set cmd global_set <globalname> <state>: Sets the state of the given env_global (0 = OFF, 1 = ON, 2 = DEAD).
god cmd Toggle. Player becomes invulnerable.
groundlist cmd Display ground entity list <index>

cvarlist h

Command / Cvar Default Value Flag(s) Help Text
heartbeat cmd Force heartbeat of master servers
help cmd Find help about a convar/concommand.
hideconsole cmd Hide the console.
hidehud 0 "cheat" and "cl"
hidepanel cmd Hides a viewport panel <name>
hinttest cmd Tests the hint system.
hl2_episodic 0 "sv" and "rep"
host_framerate 0 Set to lock per-frame time elapse.
host_limitlocal 0 Apply cl_cmdrate and cl_updaterate to loopback connection
host_map 0 Current map name.
host_profile 0
host_runofftime cmd Run off some time without rendering/updating sounds
host_showcachemiss 0 Print a debug message when the client or server cache is missed.
host_ShowIPCCallCount 0 Print # of IPC calls this number of times per second. If set to -1, the # of IPC calls is shown everyframe.
host_sleep 0 "cheat" Force the host to sleep a certain number of milliseconds each frame.
host_speeds 0 Show general system running times.
host_timescale 1 "rep" Prescale the clock by this amount.
host_writeconfig cmd Store current settings to config.cfg (or specified .cfg file).
hostip 1262989952.000 Host game server ip
hostname 0 Hostname for server.
hostport 27015 Host game server port
hud_autoreloadscript 0 "cl" Automatically reloads the animation script each time one is ran
hud_centerid 0 "a" and "cl"
hud_deathnotice_time 6 "cl"
hud_drawhistory_time 5 "cl"
hud_fastswitch 1 "a" and "cl" 1 = keyboard & mouse | 2 = keyboard only (old HL/TFC style)
hud_fortpoints_latest 1 "cl" Toggle visible team scores on the HUD.
hud_fortpoints_total 1 "cl" Toggle visible team scores on the HUD.
hud_jeephint_numenties 10 "sv"
hud_reloadscheme cmd Reloads hud layout and animation scripts.
hud_reloadteammenu cmd hud_reloadteammenu
hud_saytext_time 12 "cl"
hud_speedometer 0 "cl" Toggle speedometer. Disclaimer: We are not responsible if you get a ticket.
hud_teamscores 1 "cl" Toggle visible team scores on the HUD.
hurtme cmd Hurts the player. Arguments: <health to lose>

cvarlist i

Command / Cvar Default Value Flag(s) Help Text
impulse cmd
incrementvar cmd Increment specified convar value.
invnext cmd
invprev cmd
ip 0 Overrides IP for multihomed hosts

Archive Template One

Fortress Forever
NavMenu ScoutConc 300px.jpg
Scout Concing in Fortress Forever
What is Fortress Forever?
Installation and Setup
System Requirements
DownloadsMain Menu
SetupBeginner's Guide
Playing the Game
Team and ClassHUD
Map GuidesGame Goals
AmmoArmorStatus Effects
Class Guides
Advanced Gameplay
Movement Skills
Jumping Skills
Technical Reference
Class Reference Guide
Weapons Reference Guide
Grenades Reference Guide
Ammo Reference
Armor Reference
Map Editing
TF2 Player's Guide To FF
TFC Player's Guide To FF
Client commands and variables
Release Notes

Archive Template Infobox Manual/ExtraNarrow

Fortress Forever
NavMenu ScoutConc 300px.jpg
Scout Concing in Fortress Forever
What is Fortress Forever?
Installation and Setup
System Requirements
DownloadsMain Menu
SetupBeginner's Guide
Playing the Game
Team and ClassPlayer Controls
Heads-Up DisplayGame Goals
AmmoArmorStatus Effects
Class Guides
Advanced Gameplay
Movement Skills
Jumping Skills
Map Guides
Capture The Flag
Territorial Control
CornfieldDustbowl Valley
Canalzone 2
The Hunted
Mulch Deathmatch
Technical Reference
Class Reference Guide
Weapons Reference Guide
Grenades Reference Guide
Ammo Reference
Armor Reference
Map Editing
TF2 Player's Guide To FF
TFC Player's Guide To FF
Client commands and variables
TroubleshootingRelease Notes

This version is the version curerntly in use. It is 94px narrower than the original version. See Template:Infobox manual for usage instructions.