
From Fortress Forever Wiki
Revision as of 11:09, 28 July 2009 by Crazycarl (talk | contribs)
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Mapping for FF
The Basics

Setting up Hammer
Getting Started With Lua
Releasing a map

FF-specific Entities

Lua location system

Map Templates
FF Lua Documentation

Entity Typing
Entity Collections


Lua is a scripting language that has become popular with game developers with its ease of use. Fortress Forever has it embedded within the game server to create complex game rules for the game. It allows mappers to create new and different game modes, as for server admins to change the rules of a map without changing the map itself.

Mappers who do not wish to script new game modes can use the ready made Map_Templates which are included with Fortress Forever. Minimal lua editing is required.

If you are interested in learning the lua scripting language you can go here: Learning Lua